For the first time ever, an entire Battle Pass is up for grabs as one of the rewards in Fortnite’s new Overtime challenges. Week 10 of Season 7 came and went, but there’s still about two weeks until Season 8 begins. Until then, it’s time to work overtime on getting these challenges completed!
Six new tasks have dropped today, and the next batch should arrive in the next three days or so. Each one has its own reward, but if you complete 13 of these new Overtime challenges over the next two weeks, you’ll also earn yourself a shiny new Battle Pass for the upcoming start of Season 8.
When the next round of challenges arrive, we’ll add them to our blog. So stay tuned for more!
Fortnite Season 7 Overtime Challenges

The Overtime challenges seem to be divided into two categories (just like the normal weekly challenges). There are some that all players can take part in, and some that only current Battle Pass owners will be able to complete. Here are the 6 challenges that have dropped today, along with guides on how to complete the three free ones. The Battle Pass challenges are pretty self-explanatory…
Overtime Challenges for Current Battle Pass Owners
- Reach Battle Pass tier 47
- Reach Battle Pass tier 71
- Reach Battle Pass tier 87
Free Challenges for Everyone
- Collect Coins in Featured Creative Islands (0/15)
- Search chests and ammo boxes at a motel or RV Park (0/7)
- Place Top 15 in Duos with a friend (0/3)
Collect Coins in Featured Creative Islands

This challenge is a lot of fun because there are so many awesome Creative Islands to try out. If
Anyway, all you need to do is head into Creative mode, try out any of the maps available, and then explore the user-created world looking for Fortnite coins. Simply walking near a coin will work, and with each one you collect, a progress bar will pop up showing how many you’ve found so far.
Search Chests and Ammo Boxes at a Motel or RV Park

The motel and the RV park as small-ish locations, so if you forget where they are, check out the map above! Once you’re there, there’s nothing to this challenge but straightforward chest hunting. But, be sure you’re ready for the swarms of other players that will undoubtedly be there to complete the challenge as well!
Place Top 15 in Duos With a Friend

It might sound cheap, but a good strategy for this challenge (and in general) is to spend as much time as you can at the beginning of the game not fighting. Get your gear, materials, and location in-check while you wait for some of the other duos to be eliminated. Then, when it’s time for action, you’ll be ready.
As soon as the next batch of Overtime challenges are live we’ll post them up on our blog. If you haven’t completed all of the regular Season 7 challenges you can find every single week of those on our blog, too!