Celebrating the Top 5 Mortal Kombat Games

The Mortal Kombat series has had its ups and downs, but its fan-base is still as loyal as ever. While the franchise might have made its name on its controversial content, the games’ quality and the rich world NetherRealm Studios…

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10 of the Creepiest Horror Games from the 90s

Horror games changed forever during the 90s. As technology continued to improve, developers had far more power to create atmosphere and mood at their disposal. Advancing graphics, sound effects, and music all enabled the game-playing experience to become more immersive,…

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5 Classic Real Time Strategy Games You Should Play Again

The real-time strategy (RTS) game has been a staple of the industry for decades, and is still going strong. Sure, they might not be as explosive, fast-paced, or popular as big-budget first-person shooters or fighters, but the best offer a…

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The Best and Worst South Park Video Games

Like any other long-running animated series, South Park is no stranger to video game tie-ins. The latest, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, is set for release very soon. This cheekily-named game continues the style and structure established in the…

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Blade Runner Video Games: Looking to the Past and Future

Ridley Scott’s iconic Blade Runner has inspired countless movies, books, comic books, games, and more in the decades since its release. It’s widely regarded as a masterpiece that challenged what sci-fi could be on the big screen, incorporating elements of…

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Top 5 Resident Evil Spin-Off Games

The main Resident Evil games may have been through plenty of changes since the series’ debut in 1996, but the numerous spin-offs have experimented with various styles too. We’ve seen first-person shooters and team-based adventures aplenty, featuring returning characters alongside…

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8 Retro Point and Click Games Worth Revisiting

The best point-and-click games are immersive, well-written, and well-designed enough to make even the most minimal interaction gripping. Simply moving a cursor across the screen, collecting items, and chatting to NPCs might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but that…

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Looking Back at the Best Medal of Honor Games

The Medal of Honor series ran from 1999 to 2012, when MOH: Warfighter’s disappointing sales caused EA to put future releases on hold. Call of Duty had taken the reins by then, of course, updating military FPS games entirely. Medal…

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