Xbox Live Gold members can get their virtual hands on four free games throughout July, with two for each console. Of course, members with an Xbox One have the freedom to download all four thanks to the delights of backward…
PlayStation Plus Free Games for July
Members of PS Plus have six free games to choose from in July, across the PS4, PS3, and PS Vita. Let’s take a closer look … PS4 Furi Furi is a great little actioner, with a highly-stylised look and characters…
More than Meets the Eye: The Best and Worst Transformers Games Ever Made
Certain characters are popular enough to thrive from one generation to the next. Like Batman, Superman, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Transformers have fans of all ages. For example, most of us born in the 80s will always…
5 Of The Worst Movies Based On Video Games
Even the most beloved, well-made, downright awesome video games can be adapted into terrible movies. For decades now, filmmakers and studios have bought the rights to successful games in the hopes of cashing in on their fame. It’s a sound…
E3 2016: Telltale Games’ Batman Series, Injustice 2, and More
Well, E3 has drawn to a close for another year. We’ve seen some great stuff from the industry’s biggest names and smaller teams alike, with major titles like Mass Effect: Andromeda, The Legend of Zelda: The Breath of the Wild,…
E3 2016: Bethesda’s Fallout 4 VR Upgrade, Mass Effect’s New Team, and More
Last year, Bethesda’s E3 presentation was dominated by Fallout 4. With that game done and dusted, what did the gaming giant have to show off at this year’s expo instead? Why, a new version of of Fallout 4, of course!…
E3 2016: Exciting News from Ubisoft and Nintendo
Following Sony and Microsoft’s tantalising presentations, two more major names in the gaming industry have wowed visitors at this year’s E3. Ubisoft and Nintendo held wildly different events, but both gave us all plenty to be excited for … Ubisoft:…
The 10 Best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Games Ever Made
Since their comic-book début 32 years ago, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have starred in dozens of video games. Chances are, you’ve played at least one of these. From the teeth-gritting frustration of the classic NES adventure to the screen-tapping…
10 of the Weirdest Games Ever Made
Plenty of video games have strange elements, yet you might not call the entire experience of playing them ‘weird’. For example, playing as a tiny plumber with a penchant for jumping on enemies and throwing their empty shells around is…
10 Sega Dreamcast Games You Must Play Again
In the 1990s, millions of gamers around the world owned at least one Sega console. With the mega-success of their Master System, Genesis / Mega Drive, and Game Gear, Sega was a force to be reckoned with for a long…