🏆Arthur Morgan🏆 is the World Cup of Characters Champion! That’s it. The battle royale is over. After a solid two week campaign of brutal knockouts, a champion is finally chosen. And the World Cup of Characters champion is… Arthur Morgan…
🏆Arthur Morgan🏆 is the World Cup of Characters Champion! That’s it. The battle royale is over. After a solid two week campaign of brutal knockouts, a champion is finally chosen. And the World Cup of Characters champion is… Arthur Morgan…
2018 has been another big year for video games. Just have a think back over the last 12 months and all the amazing new worlds we’ve been able to explore. Sometimes though, it’s about the people you meet along the…
In 1999, Eidetic’s Syphon Filter was released hot on the heels of Konami’s Metal Gear Solid. While MGS went on to spawn a colossal franchise and basically become synonymous with stealth games, Syphon Filter lived somewhat in its shadow. It…
Can you believe it’s nearly 20 years since Die Hard Trilogy brought a blocky John McClane to our consoles? The game was first released in North America at the end of August 1996, with European and Japanese launches coming closer…
Every hero needs help from time to time. Batman has Robin (and, to be fair, a variety of other helpers). Robin Hood has Little John. Even Superman sometimes has Krypto, his cape-wearing super-dog. No matter how big, strong, and downright…
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