As we all know by now, Rockstar has announced that Red Dead Redemption will hit consoles next year. This comes after the mischievous brand posted two images hinting at a return to the world of cowboys, deserts, and sun-bleached shoot-outs…
As we all know by now, Rockstar has announced that Red Dead Redemption will hit consoles next year. This comes after the mischievous brand posted two images hinting at a return to the world of cowboys, deserts, and sun-bleached shoot-outs…
Think 2016 has already given us all the gaming excitement it can? Well, fear not – there’s more to come! So far, we’ve had No Man’s Sky, Uncharted 4, Doom, and the start of Batman: The Telltale Series (to name…
Well, E3 has drawn to a close for another year. We’ve seen some great stuff from the industry’s biggest names and smaller teams alike, with major titles like Mass Effect: Andromeda, The Legend of Zelda: The Breath of the Wild,…
Following Sony and Microsoft’s tantalising presentations, two more major names in the gaming industry have wowed visitors at this year’s E3. Ubisoft and Nintendo held wildly different events, but both gave us all plenty to be excited for … Ubisoft:…
Every June, the world’s gaming industry fixes its gaze on Los Angeles, for the mighty E3 conference. As one of the biggest, most important gaming events in the world, E3 is the ideal chance for companies to show off their…
After racking up millions of sales with their Borderlands games, Gearbox Software have focused their talent into another first-person shooter: Battleborn. Like Borderlands, Battleborn looks set to be a distinctive action-packed experience boasting plenty of diverse characters, humour, and balls-to-the-wall…
After the huge success of Far Cry 4, fans have been aching to see where Ubisoft takes the series next. How many of us thought it would go back to the Stone Age? In just a few weeks, Far Cry:…
The late Tom Clancy’s name has been attached to some hugely-successful franchises in the past 15 years, with hits like Splinter Cell and Rainbow Six endorsed by the acclaimed author. Next up? The Division, an online-only action-packed RPG that looks…
For many of us, Final Fantasy VII revolutionised gaming. When this iconic RPG came along in 1997, the PlayStation was home to many titles, but none were as engaging, immersive, stunning, rewarding, richly-textured, or outright unforgettable. While the prospect of…
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